David Martinez

David Martinez, protagonist of “Cyberpunk: Edgerunners,” evolves into a key figure in the tumultuous world of 2076. Initially a mercenary, he integrates into Maine’s edgerunner crew, immersing himself in Night City’s gritty underworld. Martinez’s journey unfolds through intense and harrowing events, propelling him to the status of a living legend within the city’s shadows. As a classic Cyberpunk archetype, he navigates the intricate blend of advanced technology, corporate intrigue, and societal decay with resilience and resourcefulness. Martinez’s choices, driven by survival, personal quests, or rebellion, promise to imprint a lasting mark on Night City’s lore, embodying the genre’s theme of individuals seeking identity and agency in a world dominated by megacorporations and technological excess.


David Martinez was an American teenager of Latino descent. He had light brown eyes and dark brown hair that he wore in a quaffed hairstyle, with the sides shaved. At the start of the series, he had a thin athletic build, but developed a heavier build with time. David’s typical style was Kitsch, sporting a black t-shirt, two golden chain necklaces (the bottom one with a cross), gray cropped sweatpants with two yellow straps on the sides, and white tennis shoes with blue straps. Later on, he started to wear his mother’s yellow EMT jacket, which had a blue luminescent material on the inner lining of the collar, and a bright green Edgerunners emblem painted on the back.

David gradually added more implants to his body, becoming taller and more muscular. While keeping his overall outfit intact, he no longer wore a black shirt, preferring to remain bare-chested when not covered by the EMT jacket.